Wednesday, 28 October 2009

The Law of Attraction: The secret?

Extract from Introduction : The Tree of life

Quantum physics and the new intended “Global spirituality”

Quantum physics, also referred to as “the new science” by some, is used by promoters of “New Age spirituality” philosophy to “prove” that what they teach are scientifically accurate.

They want to always “prove” two things by using quantum physics:

1. That a person creates his or her own reality. (Implying also that we create it also collectvely (by global a contiousness)). They thus advocate that it is time for a new type of human species to emerge. (This links with the Freemasonry goal of a “super human” race).


2. that everything is interconnected to everything. And thus preaches that God can not be separate from any person - that we are all part of God (also called by them “source” or “the universe”). That we are God. That God is a collective consciousness.

Because people generally do want to believe things that is so called “scientifically” proven, they tend to listen out, and so often get drawn into the occult, rather intimidated by the so-called overwhelming “scientific” evidence that contradicts their current world-view. Surely they don’t want to be labeled “narrow minded”..who wants to?

But the truth is, that quantum physics does not “prove” what these people claim to be “scientifically proven”. They take something, distort it, add gross assumptions on top of it, and then make their own conclusions which they then hold up as being “scientific fact”.

Let’s look at some of the reasoning of New Age philosophy teachers and “channeled” voices from the dark world.

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According to quantum physics, whatever the scientists are looking for they find. Thus this proves we create our own reality.

Response on this claim from scientists: (see “The Truth behind the Secret”, by Walker and Waldrep)

Erica Carlson (Phd. UCLA with postdoctoral research at Boston University, physics):

Erica explains that there is a phrase in quantum mechanics called “observer determines reality”. But she adds that if you haven’t had all of the mathematical background behind what that means, then it is a statement open to misinterpretation. She explains that the term can be compared to a spinning coin, which you don’t know if it will end on heads or tails. If you interrupt the process and push the coin flat, there is a 50/50 chance it will be head or tails. In similar way, electrons sometimes shows wave properties and other time particle properties.

Hugh Ross (Phd. in astronomy) adds to this, explaining that by scientists observing the system, the system wind up being disturbed, very dramatically. “There is a possibility of deception here in the thinking that we are somehow controlling the whole thing and that we are somehow the creators of all this.”

Marj Hartman (M.S University of Arizona) states “Even Niels Bohr, who is the father of the Copenhagen interpretation (of quantum mechanics) said that it is certainly not possible for the observer to influence the events, which may appear under the conditions that he has arranged.” If an experimenter would try to influence his experiment using only his “consciousness” and no measuring instrument, he will not get any results.

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Albert David, professor and director of Philosophical Foundations of Physics at Columbia University who participated in the making of “What the Bleep?” is outraged at the final product due to deceptive editing and misrepresentation of what he said about the topic.

It seems that the makers of “The Secret” and “What the Beep?” as well as many advocating the same teachings, are only out there to prove what they want to prove and get confirmation of what they want to believe. They don’t seem interested in truth. And do not seem to love Truth.

What shall we say then about the Law of Attraction, Quantum physics in Spirituality, and the message of the Bible

It is explained by New Age teachers, how, if the message of “the Secret” is true, it should be embraced regardless of its source. Well, the conclusions of “the secret” is not true (see arguments of Scientists above). And even when it presents truth-like components, the source can not be dismissed as irrelevant.

As per Acts 16:16-18, when the Apostle Paul was walking the streets and a woman with a spirit of divination walked behind him saying “these are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation”, Paul was grieved, and shut her up by driving the demon out of her. It doesn’t matter if what she said right there was true. The lies would come in at some stage. The source was not God. It wasn’t good (even though it may have appeared to be good to the senses). Only what is of God is good. It was of the snake. And it had to be seriously dealt with. Let us learn from the Apostle Paul.

This however does not necessarily mean that there is not something like a “Law of Attraction”, that our thoughts doesn’t matter, and that we do not attract things to us. Jesus Himself said that what you ask and believe that you received it, that you shall have it. (Mark 11:24). Note however that He said that to His disciples and also in the context of having faith in God (Mark 11:22). This wouldn’t make any person God. Jesus never seeked His own will but always that of the Father. (John 5:30) The Spirit instructs in Col 3:1,2, to think the things that are above, not on earth, and to seek the things that are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Our thoughts therefore does matter. But if a person wants to use God and His principles to serve them and their soulish desires, their desires may be fulfilled, but it will not necessarily bring forth an eventual harvest of spiritual life. We can see an example of this in Scripture with King Hezekiah (Isa 38).

Whether there thus are testimonies of people who believed things and then received it, even when not Christian, it doesn’t disprove the biblical gospel and it certainly does not “prove” new age philosophy. 99% Truth mixed with 1% lie would still be a lie. However there are much more than 1% lie in the New Age teachings. The deeper you go, the more gross the deception becomes, until eventually there is very little truth left at all.

Quantum Physics leans itself to so many interpretations that it has even been used to prove the bible true by apologetics (see Christian article about quantum physics).

Note also that the Law of Attraction has been mentioned in Marietta’s heavenly visions of scenes beyond the grave (but from a Christian perspective). Marietta also mentions the “Law of Being” and the “Law of love” among other laws which angels spoke about in the afterlife. In Marietta’s book about her afterlife encounters, it will be seen how, no matter if a person acknowledge the “law of attraction” or not, your “being” will never be perfect enough to stand in the presence of the Most High if you have not been cleansed by the blood of Jesus, if you do not have the life of Christ in you. One person in hell was crying out to Marietta, “who can deliver me from this state of being”. He remembered Christ. But it was too late then. No “higher” (gnostic) knowledge can give you that. It is only a work of God, by grace through faith. And that, is what the gospel is about.

We are all unclean, and all our righteousness are as filthy rages (Is 64:6). Who can save us from this body of death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom 3:23). For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). But by grace through faith, salvation is available to all. It is a gift of God, not something we could ever earn (Eph 2:8)

Paul’s response to the different gospel that is being preached today, would be the same as it was thousands of years ago. He says in Gal 1:6-9 that he marvels that the Galatians so soon were removed unto another gospel, and warns that even if an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you, that the messenger of the different gospel are accursed by him (Paul).

Everything that seems good, is not necessarily good. Everything that is about peace, is not about Jesus. In fact, Jesus said Himself “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God (1Co 3:19) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov 9:10)

So what is really the Secret?

We are required to Trust in God.

To have faith in God. Not faith in faith. Not faith in formulas. Not faith in our spirituality. Not faith in ourselves. But faith in God.

In who He is. In His nature. In Him.

The glory of God is the essence of who He is. When His glory is revealed His is revealed.

Paul trusted God, even when lead to Rome where He knew he would die. Stephan trusted God even when he was stoned to death. Trust in God doesn’t mean I trust God to give me what I want and do for me what I want. That is to try and control God. That is not to trust God.

But when God says...when He gives a spesific promise or a spesific Word for a spesific situation. A word for you. Now. In your situation. Whether He gives it in your spirit directly, or through a prophet (a true prophet) or through a specific Scripture which He quickens to you as you seek His face...whatever method God uses, He knows best. But when He gives a Word, we can stand on it and trust Him.

It is therefore not about finding magical procedures or methods to use God’s laws and even to try and use God Himself to fall in with our plans. True submission to God is to fall in with His plan. And that is not always a comfortable plan. But it is always, for the greater good of all, including yourself. God’s wisdom, will always use the gentlest method, to achieve the greatest result, for the most amount of people, for the longest amount of time, and if there were any gentler method to achieve the same result, God would have chosen that method. But His method’s are often beyond our human understanding. But will we trust HIm. And will we believe His report?

See also in the website section about the nature of God and idealism philosophy.

We can not control things the way we want it, no matter how “positive” we try to be. God still is God and He still has the final say about everything. We can either frustrate ourselves by working against God, working against the Universe, WHICH REVOLVES AROUND HIM, THE UNIVERSE IS NOT HIM. Or we can join all creation and glorify God the way we were created to. And that is where we find true fulfillment.

The goal of life is not so we can find happiness. It is that we can live holy lives, separated unto God and glorify Him in all we are and in all we do. And to delight in Him, as Source of all life, Source of all we need, and worthy of all worship and adoration..

When the Israelites tried to attack the city of Ai (Jos 7) they were expecting to win. They were positive. They believed God was on their side. But they were horribly defeated. For God was not with them. There was idolatry in their midst, which they knew not about. Only when the idols were removed and justice came, they could go out and defeat Ai. It really isn’t about how positive we are. It is about whether we join God on His terms, and walk with Him, or whether we are in rebellion and idolatry and try and do our own thing. The latter will always end in disaster. Especially on the longer term. God is patient, but not forever.

When the Philistines took the Ark of God they were expecting to be blessed (1 Sam 4). But they weren’t. Their idol God fell on his face next to the ark, breaking off his head and hands, and then a plague broke out amoung the people. They had to send back the ark, and only then the plagues stop. It had nothing to do with positive thinking. God is not like a manageable idol, which we can carry around where we want and tell Him what to do and order Him around. He is supreme ruler of the Universe. He does just as He wants and when He wants. And how arrogant and foolish when we think of Him so small.

"Every true ministry will point you to God and every false ministry will point you to yourselves. Their shewed focus is not on Jesus" Dr Lynn Hiles

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